Improving a huge school district is a complex and daunting task. But if you want to get better, you have to start somewhere. To help Dallas ISD parents and taxpayers understand that the District is taking some big steps forward, we created a video that communicates the vision in a simple way, with the underlying reminder that it’s all about keeping our kids on the road to a brighter future.
No commercial, ad, or vision statement will succeed in making a challenged school district great again. But the road to improved education starts by talking about the goals ahead and inspiring students, parents, teachers and taxpayers to stay on the path.
This ad ran in theaters and on line, and sparked the conversation we wanted to have. Now everything from the way the Dallas ISD compensates teacher excellence, down to the services offered to students is being reviewed, revamped and improved. It’s still a long road, but as our mini film points out, it’s a journey.